Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Data Matters

I really love our math curriculum. We use Investigations. However, being a teacher-researcher leaves me constantly looking for how something good might be great. In the past our data analysis units have been good, but not great. It repeatedly was the unit I was least satisfied with as a teacher. This year I've taken on the challenge of helping data to matter to third graders. I want them to generalize the information. I want them to think about the big ideas behind the information.
The curriculum has the children survey other classes. They LOVE it. However, it usually has them ask questions like, "How many teeth have you lost?" It is interesting to the children but doesn't hold their interest long term. It became more of a fun fact rather than a useful set of information.
In my efforts to make data matter, I asked the children to develop a survey question to ask that would help them make an informed decision about something. Many turned to our recess economy, others focused on our class community sculpture and some on music circle.
What is your favorite song in music circle?
Do you prefer handmade things or natural resources?
For our community sculpture, do you think we should use more man-made materials, natural materials or both?
Do you value paper money or natural resources?

 As the children present their work to the class, the conversations have been much more lively than in the past. These topics are things in which the children are invested. The information will impact their lives. We asked each group questions like
What question did you ask?
Why did you ask that question?
What decisions will you make based on your results?

"Based on our survey I think we should focus more on natural resources because that is what more people like."
"I don't think you should ignore the results of handmade things. It is less than natural materials but it is still a lot of people."
"Maybe you should have a variety of products. Some could be handmade and some could be natural."
"There are already a lot of people focused on natural resources so you might actually stick with the handmade to get the business of all of those people who aren't being taken by the natural resource companies that already exist."

"If we were going to make a music circle that the Kindergarten would really enjoy, we would make sure to include "Make New Friends" and "This Land is Your Land."
"And if we wanted to make a music circle that first grade liked, we would need to make sure we sang "The Shark Song".
"If we wanted everyone to have a good time, we should probably include the top song from each grade. That way every grade would have something they liked."

So far I am pleased with the difference. We've moved past the technical aspects of titles, keys, categories and labels (all still important, just not the star of the show) and are putting our energies into representing our research in a way that makes it matter. It drives us to look are more subtle aspects of the information and go far beyond which was the least popular and which was the most popular. I think it was crucial that the information be something that would guide a decision in the children's lives. Decisions are nuanced--not always black and white.

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