Friday, December 7, 2012

Weather Station

Mr. Jones came and helped us set up an official class C weather station (at least I think that's what he said). We will be measuring the precipitation at Sabot for an entire year. Our measurements will be passed along to meteorologists to help them with their work.
 This is a snowboard. It allows us to catch and measure the snowfall off of the ground so that the temperature of the ground does not interfere with our data. Mr. Jones thinks there are only three in Richmond. There is the official one at the airport, one at his house and now one here on campus. We want our data to be as accurate as possible. We will measure the depth, but will also capture a cylindrical sample and melt it to measure the water content of the snow. We sure hope is snows SOON!!
 This rain gauge will help us measure the rain fall.
We will also measure the temperature twice a day every day at the same times.

This is exactly the kind of authentic work I would love to always have for my students but don't always know where to find. Luckily he found us!


  1. I hope you get some snow too!
    Where did Mr. Jones come from?


    1. I found out about him through Dan, the science specialist. I think Mr. Jones contacted the school as he is trying to broaden the data collection in the area.
