Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Community Sculpture

During the first few weeks of school, we set the intention of creating a sculpture that would hang right inside our door. It would serve as a reminder of the type of community we are working to be. We just recently finished it, months later (it is a bit hard to photograph). Working on it slowly over time helped us to revisit the ideas each week. Each of the items was carefully chosen to represent a characteristic that is vital to a supportive community. Here are the children’s thoughts on some of the symbols.


“The trophy means everyone is special because we could all get a trophy for something.”

“Mammoths protect their young. It reminds us to protect each other.”

“The sun is happy.”

“The moon is calm.”

“The Cloud Dragon drops rain on fire. The fire represents rage or revenge. The dragon is a peacemaker.”

“The sword means protect someone in need.”

“Bees work together to make honey.  The beehive means work together.”

“The ladder is climbing up to the peace sign. It means that we need to keep striving for peace.”

“Peregrine falcons are clever, fast and work together. A big group of people working together gets the job done fast.”

“The skull reminds us that the Native Americans used every part of an animal’s body. We need to use our resources well and not waste things.”

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