Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Children's Blog: Vowels and Consonants

What we are learning About Vowels and Consonants in Word study.

In word study we have been learning the difference between vowels and consonants .We learned that vowels are more important than we thought. We also learned that vowels relate to syllables.

One day we came to circle and we saw the alphabet in front of  us. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       us.  Some letters were pink some were yellow. Andrea asked us to observe it. We figured out that pink ones were vowels and the yellow ones were consonants.  We talked about the differences between vowels and consonants. Then Giovanni asked ‘’Why are there two Y’s?”  One of our classmates explained that ‘’y’’ can be a vowel or a consonant.

Things we know about vowels

Henry: Long vowels say their name. Short vowels say their sound. One of the differences between vowels and consonants is that vowels make your chin go down a lot and consonants only make your chin go down slightly.

Giovanni: Vowels sometimes say their name.

Emeline: You can’t just count the vowels to determine the number of syllables

Rose: Vowels cause syllables.

Henry: Without vowels we could not communicate.    

We show you in this blog how we found out vowels are very important in Literacy. Our words would never survive without them!

Blog Authors: Rose, Emeline and Henry 

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